Missing Teeth Solutions

A missing tooth can cause many problems including over eruption of opposing teeth, movement of adjacent teeth, loss of lip or cheek support, change in speech or eating problems.

The three main solutions to missing teeth are dentures, bridges or implants. At Kingston Smiles we can help you determine the best option to suit your needs and finances.

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Dentures involve a removable plate with teeth attached. They can be full or partial, depending on the number of missing teeth. Sometimes they can also be attached to dental implants so they are permanently attached.



A bridge is a permanent restoration that fills in the open space left by a missing tooth which can be attached to a healthy tooth, restored tooth or dental implant. A dental bridge can last 5-10 years or sometimes longer. The tooth or teeth attached to a bridge can become decayed or break and the gum can develop gum disease so it is important to maintain excellent oral hygiene when a bridge is fitted. Usually it takes two appointments to place a dental bridge – one for preparation and one for cementation once your bridge is back from a laboratory.



A dental implant is a post surgically placed into your jawbone to replace the root of one or more missing teeth. An assessment is made as to whether a dental implant is the best option for you based on many considerations. The advantages of dental implants include a more natural feel, a permanent non removable restoration, longevity and stability. Your dental implant will require restoration with a crown for aesthetics. At Kingston Smiles we offer a referral to a dental specialist for your implant placement and then one of our friendly dentist is able to place your dental crown on top.

Or call (02) 6295 9333 to book your appointment today