Dr Karina Carew


B.Dent (USyd), Grad Dip Clin Dent - Surg Dent (USyd)

Karina became a dentist because she wanted to provide healthcare for people in a hands-on way.

Upon graduating Dentistry from the University of Sydney, Karina went on to join the Royal Australian Navy as a Dental Officer for 14 years.

Karina is passionate in educating her patients about their oral health so together they can make the best decisions for their care. She prides herself on her compassion, communication and attention to detail and always strives to make her patients feel comfortable, confident and relaxed.

When she's not enjoying her time in the dental practice, Karina loves spending time with her two young children and her husband. Karina's love for nature, the mountains and the bush has brought her family to Canberra.

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